CWA Endorses McAuliffe for Virginia Governor

The CWA Virginia State Council has endorsed Terry McAuliffe for Governor. McAuliffe will face Glen Younkin in the November 2021 general election. Younkin built a $300 million fortune as CEO of a private equity firm which pushed companies to lay off workers and outsourced jobs.
“We reviewed the candidate’s records closely and the decision was clear,” said Steve Chambers, President of the CWA Virginia State Council and Executive Vice President of CWA Local 2201 in Richmond. “Terry McAuliffe is a proven leader who has focused on creating jobs and making life better for working families in Virginia. He will help strengthen and expand public-sector collective bargaining in our state, get us to a $15 minimum wage more quickly, and make sure Virginians are able to have paid time off when they are sick or need to care for family members.”
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