CWA Member Running to Bring "Working Class Perspective" to Tucson City Council

Miranda Schubert, a steering committee member of CWA Local 7065-United Campus Workers of Arizona, is running for Tucson City Council to bring a voice for working class people to the table. Schubert says being a member of the union was one of the “galvanizing experiences” that inspired her to run.

As major national conversations around equity, justice, and democracy grew during the pandemic, Schubert started paying attention to local politics more. “I want to bring a working class perspective to Council, bring more of our people to the table. It’s about improving material conditions for working people in this city. We need jobs that help support people raising their families,” she said.
Schubert is endorsed by CWA local 7000, Tucson’s city workers, as well as the CWA Arizona State Council, and Working Families Party. The city’s Democratic primary election is on August 3.
You can learn more about Miranda’s campaign at her website.
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