CWA Members in Kentucky Endorse Charles Booker for U.S. Senate

Last week, CWA members in Kentucky endorsed Charles Booker for U.S. Senate. Booker is running for the seat currently held by Senator Rand Paul.
“Booker’s opponent, Rand Paul, has consistently voted against organized labor and introduced new legislation that is in direct conflict with the rights of the workers of Kentucky,” said Kindre Batliner, President of IUE-CWA Local 83761. “Paul has done nothing but use union busting methods to maintain the status quo and perpetuate the wage and health disparities that currently exist in our state. He is bad for workers and bad for the state of Kentucky.”
"Charles Booker has walked with CWA during informational pickets and during the AT&T work stoppage in 2019,” said CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt. “He has proven his dedication to CWA and the labor movement in Kentucky. He is always available when his support is needed and never fails to answer our calls. We are proud to endorse Mr. Booker in his Senate campaign."
CWA members from 15 locals across the state of Kentucky held a rally in Louisville last week to endorse Charles Booker for U.S. Senate.
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