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On the Strike Line – Mike Pound

PPG Strike Line - Mike Pound 
Mike Pound (TNG-CWA Local 38061) pickets in front of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette headquarters.

Name: Mike Pound
Local: The Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, TNG-CWA Local 38061
Workplace: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Title: Digital editor
Experience: 10 years
Strike Time: 1.5 years
Quote: “I’ve been on strike for a year and a half. I want to make sure the paper’s owners obey the law and the people of Pittsburgh have the quality newspaper they deserve."
Inspiration: “I’m inspired by the labor community and its unwavering support of us over the last 18 months. Solidarity is real."

Learn more about how you can support the striking workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette here.


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